The project is co-funded from the European Commission (Grant Agreement reference 690462) |

INNOVA Ezine issue 6 released: Beyond Kiel Bay – beach wrack and seagrass in an international and circular economy context

Beach wrack is primarily made up of seagrass and algae that has come loose from where it grows offshore and has washed up along the beach. This is often seen as nuisance for coastal communities and beach tourists, not only at the German Baltic Sea, but also in many other coasts around the world. However, there is also another side of this environment issue, where beach wrack can be seen as opportunity. Especially as part of the circular economy, where beach wrack can be used for different and beneficial purposes. This means a shift of perception is needed; from risk to opportunity.

This E-Zine from the INNOVA Innovation Hub Kiel Bay, Germany is highlighting the potential usage of beach wrack, and also explains the uncertainties of the availability and distribution of beach wrack as a resource as the climate is changing. The examples used in the Ezine is mainly located in the Baltic Sea region but some interesting and relevant work from other areas are also discussed.

Publication date Tuesday 12 May 2020

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